August 05, 2008

oh dear oh dear

Well hello readers. Your favourite blogger is back, and is she bursting with news or what? New place, new lifestyle, new job and lots of big news! I have finished film school, at last. Please shed a tear for the end of my student life as we know it. I have also moved into a new place, a lovely grown-up flat in a nice part of town, far away from the cries of schoolchildren.

Now, apologies for not writing in a long time. I know it is an unforgivable sin, but alas, moving home means dearth of internet for extended periods of time, and well, I was a bit busy. Aren’t we all? Wait, this was meant to be an apology. Ok, I’ll just leave it at sorry. Now, on to the real stuff. The interesting and banal. The great and the totally nonsensically useless.

First up, I’ve been home for two weeks in May, for a breather. I thought I would go mad if I stayed here for longer than 6 months at a stretch and I was right. I needed time at home, doing the things I’ve loved to do for years; eat, shop and then eat some more. And I am not talking about home cooked food the way all good-Indian-children-away-from-home should. I mean all my favourite cafĂ©’s, restaurants and street food carts. Mmmmm…the taste of food I haven’t cooked. And the pleasure of not having to wash up afterwards. Amazing. I also went out to old haunts and new, including the new (not new, there was one earlier but it was forced to close for dubious reasons…only in Delhi) and improved (yawn) F Bar. Yep, it was predictably full of VIPs with too much money, thinking that it made them all-powerful and gorgeous-looking.

And this leads nicely to my monumental question, what with the whole controversy on the fake lashes used in mascara ads. They have now been forced to stick a little “warning” at the bottom of such ads, to say they were “filmed with lash inserts” or “edited in post-production”. But the thing is, this is shown in every mascara ad on tv or in print. So, where did this get us? I watch an ad and think-wow that’s great. I can look like that! Oops, they gave her lashes in post. Hmmm, so why should I buy that product? How do I know it really works? Oh gee, maybe I should just get some fake lashes to look like the model. Or an editor to follow my virtual self around and airbrush me every minute. Point to ponder, my friends, point to ponder.

If you are looking for a serious world issue to think about (how dare you?), check this out.

Keep debating, readers!

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